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Craft Sake









彼らの取り組みは、単なる酒造りには留まりません。蔵の敷地内には、和食レストラン「天青」、イタリアンレストラン「MOKICHI TRATTORIA」の他、ベーカリーカフェや地元の作家さんの作品の展示販売している「okebaギャラリーショップ」が立ち並びます。

また、蔵元敷地以外にも、茅ケ崎駅が最寄駅となる「MOKICHI FOODS GARDEN」、藤沢店「MOKICHICRAFTBEER」、2022年12月には鎌倉長谷に「MOKICHIKAMAKURA」があり






The brewery is located in the northern part of Chigasaki in Kanagawa Prefecture. It is less than 5 km from Southern Beach in Shonan, known as the setting for many songs and stories.

The brewery's motto is "Drunkenness is the wealth of Japan".

The brewery has been producing sake for 150 years since its foundation in 1872. It is now the only remaining sake brewery in Shonan. Today, they are attracting fans not only for their sake but also their craft beer.

Their efforts go beyond mere sake brewing. The brewery's premises are lined with eateries and shops, from the Japanese restaurant Tensei and the Italian restaurant Mokichi Trattoria, to a bakery-cafe and the Okeba Gallery Shop, which displays and sells the works of local artists.

Outside of the brewery premises, there is also the Mokichi Foods Garden, located near Kayagasaki Station, Mokichi Craft Beer in Fujisawa, and in December 2022, Mokichi Kamakura was opened in Hase, Kamakura.

Many of these facilities have reused old buildings, such as a Taisho Era sake storehouse, a relocated 450-year-old traditional Japanese-style house, a wood-constructed barley mill that had been in use since before the war and an old pressure pumping station, creating unique spaces.

Bustling with locals and tourists, the Kumazawa Brewery is truly a centre of local culture. "The presence of the brewery there enriches people's lives and creates a unique culture. We hope that this culture will mature and be passed on for another 100 or 200 years." These spaces are the embodiment of their aspirations.










Kumazawa Brewery places great importance on community-based "craftsmanship". As well as brewing sake that is the pride of the region, they aim to be a place where people are magnetically brought together to drink and create something new. Offshore was created in sympathy with this spirit, which they have upheld ever since their establishment in 1872.

All three key components of Offshore, rice, water and brewery, are "Shonan-raised". It is a sake that truly expresses the terroir of Shonan to the full.

What's more, five Mottox employees collaborated on the production of Offshore, each with their own connection to the area, from people who grew up in Shonan to surfing enthusiasts who commute there to surf. The project team was set up to convey the crisp, refreshing taste with a hint of saltiness and acidity produced by the Kumazawa Sake Brewery to the fullest capture the air and charm of their beloved Shonan.

The label design depicts a surfer standing in the sea breeze on a Shonan beach, with a view of Mt. Fuji in the background, a classic Shonan landscape.

ラベル ラベル




「オフショア(off shore)」とは、サーフィン用語で「陸から沖に向かって吹く風」を意味します。オフショアの風が吹く時、波の形は綺麗に整えられ、サーフィンをするのに最適な波が作られます。「おふしょあ」の商品名に込めた一つ目の願いは、「オフショアの風のように、このお酒もおふしょあを飲む人も、外の世界へ向かって自由に羽ばたいてほしい」というもの。湘南ビーチを吹き抜ける海風を、キレが良くほんのり塩味を感じさせる味わいで表現しました。








The Shonan area, where the Kumazawa Brewery is located, is also famous for its beaches suitable for surfing, with numerous surf shops lining the seafront and surfers often seen riding bicycles loaded with surfboards.

"Offshore" is a surfing term meaning "a wind blowing out to sea from the land". When the offshore wind blows, the waves are formed into a shape that is ideal for surfing. Our first wish in choosing the name Offshore is that, like an offshore wind, both drink and drinker should feel themselves transported freely towards the outside world. The sea breeze blowing over the Shonan beach is expressed in the sake's crisp, slightly salty flavours.

Another side of the naming concept can be found in the word "off" - this is a sake to enjoy on your time off.

Let us help you turn the stresses of daily life "off" and help you get back to your natural, relaxed state. We want you to fully enjoy your "time off" with a refreshing taste of Shonan vibes.

With these wishes in mind, the name "Offshore" was chosen.

湘南 湘南




2012年には地域の仲間と「あなたを幸せにするジブンノモノサシ」をテーマに学びの場として「暮らしの教室」を開校、2018年には蔵の裏山で従業員の子供たちを中心に近隣の子供たちを預かる場を作るため「地域で育てる森の保育園 ちがさき・もあな保育園」を開園するなど、地域社会の発展に力を尽くしています。


The Kumazawa Brewery makes sake and beer (as well as sausages) using locally grown produce and designs its products in-house. It has already been 20 years they began a project working with local farmers. A "Green Market" is held on the brewery premises, where local farmers sell freshly harvested vegetables and other products on a daily basis. The Kumazawa Brewery believes not only in brewing attractive sake, but also promoting and contributing the local community where the brewery is located.

In 2012, the company opened the "Living Classroom", a place of learning developed in partnership with other local businesses, and in 2018, it opened the Chigasaki Moana Nursery School on the hill behind the brewery as a daycare centre for brewery employees and neighbourhood children. They are fully committed to contributing to the development of the local community.